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School composition

How are my holidays

Essay for grade 7 on the topic "How are my holidays"

 I go to school. I enjoy learning, hanging out with friends and having fun with change. However, every time I look forward to the time when the holidays come. And all because during the holidays my parents and I definitely go somewhere.

 My favorite time of the year is summer, when we definitely go to the Black Sea. I love the south very much, I love evening walks along the embankment and day trips to interesting places. We climbed the mountains, rode the cable car and admired the picturesque nature.

 The rest of the time in the summer we spend at the dacha. I have friends here. We are happy to meet after the school year and discuss all the events that happened during the year. We walk with friends until late at night, while our parents have enough patience. At lunchtime, my friends and I go to the pond to swim. We splash in the water for hours and shoot each other with water pistols. What a great time - summer school holidays!

 I am looking forward to the winter holidays because of the New Year's holiday. At this time, we visit the city Christmas trees and go to the ski slope, as well as out of town, go skiing in the winter forest. It is unforgettable and magical! The forest envelops you with tranquility, and only occasionally does the woodpecker break the silence with its peaceful tapping.

 During the autumn and spring holidays, my parents and I sometimes go to another country. Either at sea or on sightseeing tours. How much new and informative I get from these trips!

 I love school holidays, because after them there are a lot of impressions and pleasant memories!

Category: 7 grade | Added by: 12.09.2020
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