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School composition

Mom is the closest and dearest person

 I think that the statement will not be controversial: Mom is the closest and dearest person? And if there are people who doubt the truth of this saying, then I will give several compelling arguments.

 Firstly, it is mommy that every person owes his appearance in the world. And no matter what the child was - desired or not very much - it was the mother who produced him and released him into this world, on the land of our ancestors.

 Everyone appears in agony, causing no less suffering to mom, but this is how the Great Universe was destined and invented, and this is how it was and will be from time immemorial.

 Secondly, the first nutrition of the baby is mother's milk, which protects him, nourishes, quenches his thirst, gives energy and vigor, and also increases the body's immune forces.

 Thirdly, the first person who meets a newborn child with a smile on her lips and tenderness in her eyes is her own mother. It was she, who gave life, gently hugs and rocked him. I am now talking only about mothers with a capital letter, who should bow down to the ground.

 Fourthly, it is the mother who gave him life that protects the little man from all troubles.

 To the above statements, I want to add that when we feel bad, restless in our souls, with illness and in sorrow, the first person to whom we go with these troubles is of course Mom.

 It helps to overcome illnesses, fears, dispels sorrows, quenches sorrows and breathes life-giving forces into us for a new life!

 Mom is not only the most dear person, but also a woman who becomes our source of vital energy.

 Apply with love to your own mothers, mothers, mothers, mothers!

Category: 7 grade | Added by: 02.01.2021
Views: 209 | Rating: 0.0/0

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