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School composition

What does school mean to me?

 I don’t know a single person in my life who does not go to school. My parents told me from the first grade that school years were wonderful. For a long time I could not understand this beloved phrase.

 Now I understand that this is really so. At school we learn to read, write and count, every year we improve our knowledge. My peers study with me in the class. We see each other almost every day, I notice that we are growing up. And I love it.

 Of course, I don't like all subjects, and I don't like exams, but this is our job. We must study well, because after school we must definitely get a higher education. I want to become a doctor when I grow up and continue our family dynasty. My favorite subject is biology, I'm looking forward to chemistry and anatomy in the program. They need to be mastered well, because a doctor saves human lives. I understand this responsibility and am already studying for round fives.

 My parents met each other at school, I hope, and my wife will also meet in this institution. I don't like any of the classmates yet, but perhaps a new one will come to our class. I want her character to be similar to our class teacher. She is an intelligent and kind woman who plays sports and cooks delicious food. The whole class loves it when she bakes cake on holidays and treats the whole class. I am glad that my school is located near my home and there is no need to spend money on travel. The food is delicious in the dining room, and the library keeps many books. I love my school and hope to be the best graduate.

Category: 7 grade | Added by: 17.10.2020
Views: 254 | Rating: 0.0/0

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