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School composition

A strong man
What is the force?

Often, the term: "a strong man", we represent no one inflated strongman, athletically folded person. In fact this phrase has another meaning — people have the power of will and spirit.


There are some characteristics of a person that determine his strength:

1. He can, not paying attention to life's difficulties, continue to move closer to the target. Even if it is not very easy. Many people feel discouraged if something doesn't go according to plan and throw conceived halfway. A strong person would never allow.

2. Such people have a sense of responsibility both to ourselves and to the people around them. They will never throw in trouble, those in need will always help. There are those who perceive such things as sentiment, however it is not so.

3. It possesses spiritual power. People with such traits do not give in to any temptations. He has no bad habits, he's not chasing the "easy money". Just trying to achieve their own, but good from assistance not refuse.

An example to follow

An example of a man with the strength of will and spirit, for me, was my grandfather. In his younger years he was seriously injured and was disabled. Grandpa could not walk. In the hospital, confidently stated that the rest of his life he spend in a wheelchair. But grandpa is not broke and gradually began to develop leg exercise. To restore health, it took him eleven years.

At the moment, the grandpa absolutely healthy. He got a job and he does not make sport. In addition, it provides assistance to their grandchildren. Tells us stories from his own life that gives food for thought about the importance to be noble and confident person. On weekends we go Hiking, where the grandfather explains to us how and where to find food, the rules of kindling a fire even without matches, find a clean water source and many other useful things.

Now I am sure that if you encounter a difficult situation — I will not break, and I will fight till the end until you reach the desired result! If it turns out other people are so similar and I can do. I am convinced that you are a strong person!

Category: 8 grade | Added by: 26.10.2019
Views: 465 | Rating: 0.0/0

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