My favorite time of year – early spring. The end of February and beginning of March – a great time for bird-watchers. Then slowly begins a summer that will last a few months. The observation starts with the larks, with their trills, somewhere high in the sky above their heads. In February, they go back to where you were born, giving life to a new generation of larks.
Imagine that you are in a meadow. The grass is still yellow. Among the thickets were silenced relatively small birds, with transparent white eyebrow above the eye, a small tuft on the head, plumage creamy-brown, sometimes black-and-white. Light belly on top with brown spots. Pale pink long claws facilitate movement on the ground. Among the feathered yellow early spring grass is really difficult to detect.
Skylark is a unique bird that sings on the inhale and on the exhale, but other species sing only during expiration. Bird trills and the sympathy of many, because they are associated with the arrival of spring, which are all waiting for.
His singing is a beautiful melody, consisting of many complex chords. Listening to this voice can be distinguished roulades worthy of the best composers. From the beautiful story about the upcoming spring up to the minute horror news about upcoming Sparrowhawk or Kestrel. This game begins immediately after launch from earth. Singing is good only at a height of about 10-20 meters. Flying over meadows and fields, flowing mother-of-pearl sound consists of quick, high and twittering trills. Then the singer hanging in the air, and, after completing all planned repertoire, rises even higher and, interestingly, continues to sing. This skill ability to sing on the inhale and the exhale, allow him to rise to 100 - 200 meters. The sky holds its concert show, and then slowly, with stops, glides to the ground.
The voice of the lark can be heard at dawn, it fades after sunset. His song is one of the marriage receptions. Interestingly, larks never cease to sing after pairing, which is an extremely rare bird in the world.