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School composition

Beauty of nature

A beautiful and attractive world with inexplicable beauty and wonders is mother nature, created by the Almighty, and man as the crown of creation. Human life, animal life and flora are closely intertwined. This relationship complements each other, creates harmony. It is difficult to find or create something that can compete with or match the original beauty. In nature, everything created is naturalistic, of course, repetitions are excluded. Every living organism is unique. Nature teaches humanity to treat events philosophically.

If a person explores the beauty of nature, he can find some Parallels in the lives of people and in the natural world. For example, the fall and ebb of sea waves can be taken as an example. A fall implies highs in a person's life, and a low tide implies lows in biorhythms. The flower and thorns in the rose indicate that there is pleasure and pain in life. Spending time in communion with nature is wisdom and pleasure.

Beautiful things in the world delight the audience. Ignoring the beauty of nature, man becomes a machine. Beautiful natural views fascinate the soul, hypnotize the heart of man, because this is the art of God.

In nature, beauty and mystery fascinate people. Analyzing natural phenomena, a person goes into ecstasy, relieves stress and rests spiritually.

Changing weather colors the sky; five elements rule the world; a rainbow in the sky pleases the heart; a powerful ocean and waves impress the person; birdsong and wildlife make the world alive, dazzling, with beauty and charm. The waterfall that pours from the top of the mountain is an amazing sight.

This is a great show in the nature forever. Beauty in nature is good for the eyes, the soul and the senses. Enjoy nature!

Category: 8 grade | Added by: 11.05.2020
Views: 394 | Rating: 0.0/0

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