Our environment is not static, but constantly changing and transforming. The fact that some period ago, it was unusual, today it has become commonplace, and the fact that yesterday was perceived by the routine goes into oblivion. But remain eternal concepts such as dignity, loyalty and honesty. Reliable and truthful person is the one who does the word, on whom you can rely in case of emergency, but these people left very little...
Everyone wants the promise was fulfilled. But it is worth to recall their own actions. So whether we keep our word? If the answer is positive you will definitely tell a lie or be deceiving. It happens that for good reasons we are physically not able to fulfill their obligations then the transport had not turned up, then got sick, then you were locked up... For example, agreed to help a friend on Sunday, and was forced to go with my parents to my grandmother as her health. Or decided to give to cancel a test and the teacher took the notebook. As a result, you become "obeschalkinym", although ruined all your plans of unforeseen reasons. Sometimes a promise can hurt you the most. For example, to meet the guys to go fishing at the expense of homework. Such facts is a great variety and they are all respectful.
I try to avoid giving the word without a valid reason, but if you give it, then by all means fulfill the promise. Because people believe in me and are counting on help. Only when it is not possible to fulfill the obligation, he warned about it in advance and sorry about what happened. To fulfill his vow in small business very simple and fast, and his failure not really affect friendships. Much worse is the case of the non-fulfillment of promises in something significant and important. But even that in itself is not bad. The most terrible is a lie and special misrepresentation. Those who deliberately, for their own benefit, gives the word to the left and right should not be considered worthy people. Terribly reluctant to be in their ranks.
A famous proverb says: "he Gave the word - keep it." That is the correct saying. When you are not particularly confident, there is nothing to distribute promises. Can't do something, honestly admit it and deny it. And when he gave the word, then all means keep it. Let it be even a random stranger. Then you will be on top.