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School composition

Honesty and responsibility
Parents from childhood taught me to be honest and responsible person. Indeed, each of us should be able to answer for their actions.

Besides, we all want people telling us the truth. Accordingly, we ourselves must strive to be honest. Surprisingly, there are those who love to lie. But these personalities are very offended when people towards them also being unfair.

It seems to me that honest and responsible, there may be people who have a strong and strong-willed character. As you know, cowardly man of unknown concepts such as responsibility and honesty. These people to protect themselves, are willing to constantly lie and Dodge. However, apparently they do not know what a lie is often revealed.

Brave and courageous people, never stoop to dishonesty and irresponsibility. A brave person is not difficult to tell the truth, he will be able to answer for his actions.

Unfortunately, not all of us can call himself brave. But still each of us should strive for honesty, and responsibility. Very good, when other people responsible for your act. Often lies and irresponsibility begets meanness.

A child should be speaking the truth, and as if it was scary, you should be able to answer for your actions. Through education of parents and the strength of his character, I can today call myself an honest and responsible person. And this is me and my family very happy. Honest people are much easier to live.

Category: 8 grade | Added by: 11.10.2019
Views: 247 | Rating: 0.0/0

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