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School composition

Human labor
Essay for 8th class

Theme: "human Labor"

Hand of the master

Since ancient times people have learned to work with materials provided by nature. People made them necessary household items, toys, Souvenirs, etc. Everything that nature has given, is used to create handwritten DIY. Masters under the power of any work. For example, modeling clay, shape of which is then calcined, getting the pots. Then they painted scenic ornaments by creating original dishes. Even the twigs are used as ornamental material, making them excellent basketry. Iron in the hands of the craftsman transforms of a simple metal into masterpieces. This is achieved by forging, casting and other ways.

We often hear the saying — "practice makes" and the expression "the hand of the master". When it is mentioned, we imagine a technician working with any raw materials or with professional equipment. However, this is only an opinion based on common sayings. Experience, skills and abilities can have people who are not related to a specific profession.

Anyone can be a true master of any business, regardless of his education and profession. For example, a master of pottery may work perfectly on metallurgical plant and Vice versa. Women working in medicine, can do crafts, creating unique masterpieces. It can be embroidery, bead crafts, sewing, knitting, origami, etc. Just cannot be enumerated. Skills may have not only doctors, but also people working in any field of activity. Everyone tries to invest part of his soul into his beloved work, and can't see the future without her.

It turns out that when it comes to the hands of a master, it refers to all people involved in their favorite work, which are valued for their ability. Skill to master is not easy, it requires years of diligence and training. Some people are given it is easy, as the saying goes, "talent from God", but not all. So society needs to appreciate the work of others and to respect him.

Category: 8 grade | Added by: 03.02.2020
Views: 235 | Rating: 0.0/0

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