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School composition

Can city dweller be in contact with the ground?

We live in the modern world and most of us very little time to touch the ground. We always somewhere in a hurry: someone at work, and someone to study at school or College, or University. In order to do this, we have to act quickly in this fleeting whirlwind did not have time to stop or slow down your running and to try to reunite with nature as our ancestors did: to dig in the garden, grow trees, shrubs or flowers, to go to nature and take a walk in the grove or on the waterfront.

Meanwhile, for the urban dweller, the moment of unity with the surrounding world is very important and necessary. Because it is in contact with the earth citizen not only replaces mental activity on the physical and, thus, keeps himself in good shape, but also affects the ecology of their homeland as a whole begins to appreciate and cherish what they've inherited from their ancestors: plants and ponds, fertile soil.

Opportunities to come into contact with the ground the resident of the metropolis a bit, but they are. For example, you can walk in the city Park, to admire the landscaped gardens, join the gardening and to cultivate indoor plants or seedlings for the garden, at the weekend to try to get the whole family in the fresh air, take a walk outside the city, enjoy the fresh breeze, the beauty of his native land. Starting small you will gradually learn how to internally feel the nature, and, therefore, will begin to cherish it and appreciate.

На дексаметазон лошади.

Category: 9 grade | Added by: 05.03.2020
Views: 297 | Rating: 0.0/0

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