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School composition

Different ways of spending summer vacations
 Many people look forward to the vacations and the best time for it is the summer. There are some reasons why people like summer rest more than in any other season. Firstly, it’s great summer weather when people go out to enjoy the bright sun, clear blue skies and warm wind. Secondly, we shouldn’t forget that some people have a lot of spare time in summer. For example, scholars and students don’t have to go to school or university because they are closed until next academic year. Thirdly, people in summer are more active and have a lot of energy for doing different activities. This can be explained by human psychology: good weather conditions and long summer days have an affect on people’s mood and well-being. One more reason why people prefer to spend the vacations in summer is hot tours. It’s a great opportunity to visit interesting countries and know something new about them for a small charge. If people prefer to stay in their native country they can choose summer camping and spend their vacations outdoor, for instance, in the forest.

 People who enjoy staying at home or just in their own towns have also lots of variants how to spend the vacation. Scholars have a walk from morning to night, swim in a local river, visit some museums and in general have an active lifestyle. Students are more responsible than scholars and they want to be more independent too. So in summer they look forward to get a good job to earn some money. But students also think that summer is a great time for parties, dances, going to the pictures or the theatre, meetings with the friends and etc. For most adult people summer vacation is a time when they can forget about work for a while and just relax. So they try to spend more time with the family, devote the time on hobby, ask some friends for dinner or on the contrary stay at the friends.

 However, there are some people who like to spend the vacations far away from their houses. Many people have a rest abroad if they can afford it. These people prefer to visit such hot and popular countries as Egypt or Turkey. There they bath in the sea, have some excursions and take a lot of amazing photos. People who cannot afford the journey abroad decide to see Russian cities and know better about the advantages of vacation in own country. Some people go to the Black Sea resort of Sochi or Gelendzhik, others prefer to visit some cultural places and set off on a trip across best Russian towns. The most active people like to spend several days in the forest or in the mountains and for these people the best way of having a rest is to feel a harmony with nature.

 As for me, I like to keep myself busy so I don’t spend my summer vacations at home. I prefer to visit different Russian towns and stay at the relatives. It’s some kind of tradition in my family. However, I’d also like to go abroad and see another countries. So I think that there are a lot of ways of spending vacations but, in my opinion, active ways are the best ones.

Category: 9 grade | Added by: 02.08.2018
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