Every person, regardless of age and social status, loves to dream. And I think you should not believe those who say that the ghostly dream prefers reality. Because deep down, everyone dreams about his secret.
No matter how good and interesting was not our life, we always aspire to something greater. It just so happened that the character of every person present dreaming. And I think that's to be ashamed of and not worth it. As they say, to dream not harmful, but rather useful.
I think that thanks to new desires, we achieve success in life. Of course, those are right who says you need to live the reality. But dreams that do not interfere. Reality is ready to share with us the people around us, and the dream will remain in our head. It can be keep secret. Indeed, in many cases, we only close friends talk about their desires.
My dream is to become a high-paid specialist in the field of jurisprudence. I tell only close people. In reality, to achieve my dreams I need to learn.
Most interesting, we are the masters of their dreams, but in reality — we are only guests, it can set its own rules. Dream is ready to lift us up, she inspires us. When at the same time, the reality we quickly sobering.
I personally hold the opinion that so much more we dream, the more increases the chances of success. If the person has a great purpose, he hardly will become successful. It turns out that the dream is capable to improve the reality.