Modern people listen to music, invented by a certain composer, songwriter. This music does not live long among the people. Popular songs live for only one, two years max. After that, they disappear, no one remembers. If the modern song was a true masterpiece, it is, after a time, remember, but no one will listen with such zeal, as it happens with folk songs.
How about lullabies or songs? They live forever, they invented people. The mother sings to her daughter and songs merry and sad, she understands that her child will remember and will sing to their children. So the songs are saved until today. In order not to forget the people specially the lyrics and music are written on paper, making entire collections of folk songs, as well as spread throughout the state.
For me the meaning of folk songs? In the first place, the memory of childhood. Grandma loved while you work to sing folk songs, I listened and sang along. So we have the work passed quickly, we know more songs, they live with us the rest of our days. I hope when will I have children, they also, like I was a child, starts to sing the song and not embarrassed that they know so much folk wisdom. No one can give more knowledge as a mother and grandmother.
Nice to know that with songs, jokes, poteshkami living and developing culture. Wish more people honored the memory of ancestors. No one will do it except us. Our children should be the future. Because we remember and are proud of the past. Culture, memory of the heroes. You can learn about them in the folk epics, legends about them fold songs. Folk art is more than culture. In our blood there are already the makings of folk art, we must remember and pass on to the next generation what we were taught. If it terminates the thread, I don't know what will. It seems people will gradually forget the work and stop to remember the ancestors. It should not happen. I would like that every person has all turned out, thanks to people's creativity. There is nothing more pleasant to remember the songs heard in childhood, learned to sing. We cannot forget them, we are the bearers of folk art. Our children after us will repeat them, and will give descendants all the things we taught.
People should be proud of their heritage. Thanks to folk art, you can learn the rich history of his people. The story of the people everyone should know, they have to understand how the ancestors lived in order to build a strong future.