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School composition

Funny whether Mr. Jourdain?
The works of Moliere is filled with condemnation of the problems of man and society. He conceded the shortcomings of the burghers and nobles through the prism of humor.

Moliere meticulously describes characters, highlighting their contradictory traits: greed, stupidity and hypocrisy. Many commoners tried to buy the title, as the nobility is noticeably impoverished. His work, the author covers precisely this problem. The personification of her is Jourdain, appearing in "the Bourgeois gentleman".

Mr. Jourdain is trying to get into the nobility, even though he did not have the desired qualities. He doesn't know anything about the behavior and knowledge needed nobleman. Jourdain is ready to give all for unnecessary him the title of nobleman. Although, actually, he is a good man.

I think this addiction makes Jourdain somewhat comical. This is particularly evident in the eye after he admits to not knowing what is prose. He wants to be a gentleman, even changing his clothes. Now, the main character dresses up in stockings, red velvet pants and close shoes. He just can't realize that dressing like a gentleman does not mean to be a nobleman.

However, laugh while reading this piece, have on the order of less than surprised. As Gordeno, who himself made his money and is a whole accounting Department, failed to spot the fact of fraud?

The end is pretty obvious: Jourdain lost it. All his savings went to the count, by deception. As the protagonist himself realizes that he lost everything he had.

In my opinion, the main drawback Jourdain was to get him the wrong role. He wanted to be a gentleman, however, was that he had a much better character and education than, as desired, the aristocracy. Sometimes, your appearance and the title is not as important. It's very important which you people inside.

Category: 9 grade | Added by: 11.01.2020
Views: 261 | Rating: 0.0/0

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