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School composition

Philosophical and style features of Shelley's revolutionary romanticism
 Prominent poet Percy Bysshe Shelley adhered to revolutionary views, and in his journalism and lyrics, he paid attention to the most important problems of his historical era. It is not surprising that his poems touching on political subjects expressed the people's desire to throw off the oppression of the bourgeoisie and the monarchy.

 Despite the fact that the desire to change the world in a revolutionary way brought the poet Shelley closer to the poet Byron, their creative efforts were directed not along the same road. That is why revolutionary romanticism as a common ideological position for them both was expressed in their poetry in different ways. For example, in Byron's artistic tradition there were more accuracy and truth, which, in turn, contributed to the approach and strengthening of critical realism of the 19th century. One can even say that in Byron's work the transition from a system of images detached from reality to a system of real images is clearly visible.

 As for Shelley's artistic tradition, it was built on a complex system of symbols, catchy metaphors, and fantastic images. Shelley sought to draw universal conclusions and write in the manner of fairy tales and legends.

 However, losing Byron exactly the reflection of popular sentiment, Shelley at the same time and in some ways was able to beat his comrade. The fact is that Byron does not hide his sympathies for the single hero, who is in conflict with the society and extols himself over it. Shelley, on the contrary, condemned individualism in all its manifestations and saw a man not alone, but a member of society.

 Byron did not believe in the bright future of mankind, although at the same time he hoped that in the struggle against tyranny the people would win. Shelley was optimistic about the future and therefore in his poems, there are utopian scenes from the life of people who finally overthrew all tyrants and enjoy the benefits of a democratic social order.

 Shelley covered the problem of abnormal social relations, which allowed aristocrats to appropriate what was created by representatives of the poor class. He shows that capitalist society is ruled by a greed for profit. That's why even high feelings and motives can be bought in it. This attitude towards human nature destroys people's ability to develop. Even such an inhuman phenomenon as war has turned into a craft for mercenaries, rulers, priests, and officials.

 Not recognizing the Christian god, Shelley showed interest in pantheism. It seemed to the poet that evil could subjugate the world for the reason that people simply do not try to understand how much power was taken by the rulers. However, in the opinion of Shelley, when the peoples wake up from mental sleep, they finally realize where the source of evil lies, and after that, the social injustice will be destroyed.

Category: 9 grade | Added by: 03.08.2018
Views: 570 | Rating: 0.0/0

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