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School composition

Problems of adolescents
Nowadays teenagers call people from twelve to eighteen years of age, when the child becomes more independent. Adolescence has always been considered difficult and problematic in human life.

In this period the children are divided into two types: those who do not want to say goodbye to childhood and those who considers himself already an adult. But the troubles and sorrows overtake both groups of adolescents. To whatever type we were not, we need this time to survive with dignity, not to do anything stupid.

Guys need to understand that parents can help them without problems from my childhood to escape into adulthood. Children who do not obey dads and moms, teen age make a lot of mistakes. Adults have the life experience, so Teens have the opportunity, so to speak, to learn from their mistakes. However, minors often neglect the views of parents, and doing things my way.

The main problem of adolescent unrequited love. Unfortunately, the first warm feelings are rarely mutual. In his youth, often for the love of teenagers suffer a great deal. Just due to inexperience and hormones teenagers confuse love with something else.

All the problems teenagers are easily solved, if there will be loving parents. But, unfortunately, adults and children, due to the fact that they are different generations often do not understand each other. If the child feels that his mom and dad love and respect him, he will be easier to get through a difficult age.

Personally, I think that in most cases, blame the parents that their children are in adolescence commit bad deeds.

Category: 9 grade | Added by: 05.02.2020
Views: 333 | Rating: 0.0/0

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