Winter is the coldest and wonderful time of the year. In spite of frosts and blizzards, for many inhabitants of our planet, winter is the most favorite and long-awaited period. All this wonderful time associated with holidays, happiness and fun. People are preparing to celebrate the New year and see off the Old New year. In homes filled with joy, kindness and good humor.
Looking forward to the kids waiting for the onset of winter days. With the advent of "the winter Queen" the children are waiting with trepidation for the first white and fluffy snow. And as soon as Zimushka-winter clothe all nature in silver clothing and cover the earth in white, the air a blanket, the kids have enough sleds, skis or skates and rushes to conquer the ice slides, skating rinks and snow-covered expanses.
Adults coming home from work, in a hurry to take an evening stroll, to breathe clean, fresh frosty air and enjoy the view of nature, which as ever delight the eye. At this time of year all the adults feel like children. Playing with their children in the snow and helping to build a snowman they re able to return for a moment to your childhood and remember those carefree days.
With the advent of winter and everything around them changes. The air is clean, and its flavor giddy. All of nature fascinates, bewitches and dazzles the eye. The sun's rays falling on the snowy white cover charm sparking silver, and it looks like thousands of little diamonds were scattered all around decorate.
With the onset of evening pores white and silver in color replaces a pint of colors. The sun sitting over the horizon oblective on the snow colored colors. Walking on a winter evening, you can feel like in some fairy country, everything sparkles and shimmers, and for a moment it may even seem that you're treading in the snow, and the blanket of silver threads. How happy the beauty of nature in winter!
Work up enough on the street, back home. Adults and children sit by the fireplace with a warm Cup of tea, share their experiences and lead cheerful conversations. And so pass the days and evenings with the onset of the beauty of winter.