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School composition

The work in the Studio

One day in shop class we had to master the carving. That turned out to be a very time consuming process, but the final results it is constantly a pleasure. I took cut a bunch of grapes. Before to begin work, the teacher explained, what tools are needed for this work, thread technology, introduced to the safety rules when working with sharp objects. The work started in full swing.

Each student was issued a lot of boards from solid wood, the patterns of pattern which was transferred on the basis of the tool, consisting of a kind knives, chisels of various configurations and cutters. Then we learned that the work will be done in several stages. Initially it was necessary to mark with a pencil, the layout area of the pattern on the planks, and then redraw the pattern on the workpiece, in order to cut it on the tree.

First day at work in the Studio I had to perform the first two steps (layout and drawing). It was quite difficult, as the accuracy of the drawn pattern depended on the result of all further work. So I had to try, and, in the end, the bunch of grapes became almost perfect copy of the sample, which was drawn on a paper sheet. I placed the picture on the whole of the preform, but only two-thirds, leaving room for signature, or its own identification mark.

In subsequent classes I tried as carefully as you can cut the pattern. Despite the fact that the tools were very good sharpening job actually turned out to be very time-consuming, and deal with it was not so easy. But I was so fascinated her that not even noticed that the picture gradually gained volume. Leaves and berries were similar to the real greens and fruits of grapes. Bringing the work to the final stage, was only slightly sanded the problem areas. Then, with the help of a teacher, we covered the product with varnish. The result of his own work I was very pleased. I was even proud of what he did with his hands.

Category: 9 grade | Added by: 08.02.2020
Views: 331 | Rating: 0.0/0

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