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School composition

War - just the word?
It is a terrible word - War. And in fact it is just a word consisting of simple letters. But what a terrible meaning in it. Saying it once there are only horrible thoughts. Of the victims, the destruction, the cruelty of people to each other.

War means loss of life. A lot of people. A lot of people. And always there are children. Children who have parents. And it is very difficult, when it comes to war. Because they are aware that their children may die. The tears of mothers, that always accompanies war. Not the army with its generals.

I never had to see war. And I realize that I was very lucky. As enough information from history books, films and documentaries. As well as the stories of still living witnesses of wars. This is very scary. Always remains some residue after receiving information about the war.

I believe that if war comes, I will not survive. By nature I'm a bit of a coward. But the war I don't want to see. I think then there will be a real tragedy. And honestly I admire the exploits of my peers in the war. Because there are so many examples of their heroic deeds. They have the guts. Sometimes it seems that they were devoid of fear. But they're just kids. And fear they should have been. They just loved their country, their parents.

You can unleash the imagination and to assume that war came. Only that you were playing with friends. And suddenly the peaceful life ends. Make it your brain can't. But it is necessary. And most importantly you need to dramatically grow up. After all, you realize that war is the loss of life. Your friends, relatives, just neighbors. And no one will inquire if you still wanted it. You have to fight. In order to survive. To defend their country and the lives of their loved ones.

But we hope that there will be no war. After all, we live in a civilized society. A terrible word war, let it remain in the past.

Category: 9 grade | Added by: 14.02.2020
Views: 311 | Rating: 0.0/0

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