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School composition

What is friendship?

 Friendship is a close relationship based on mutual understanding, trust, and similar hobbies among several people. For me, the concepts of friendship and friend are similar. A person who knows how to be friends, who understands the value of friendship is significant and unique. He is able to give another person the joy of life, the greatest value in the world.

 Unfortunately, not all people have friends; many of us suffer from loneliness. Nobody knows why this happens. But everyone understands one thing that it is difficult for a person to be alone, we all strive to find the joy of communication, we want to find a friend and share with him all the joys and troubles.

 There are many guys around me. I just know some of them, some I study in the same class or school, but if you ask me if I have friends. Then I will answer that the only person whom I consider my friend is Misha Ivanov. I have known him since childhood. We went to the same kindergarten with him and went through many joyful moments and griefs together. This is a person who will support me in any situation, listen, give advice and help me without unnecessary reasoning. Whatever happens, he will be by my side.

 Arguing about what friendship is, I just want to say that friendship is a special trusting relationship that develops between people. Friendship can be different, old or just nascent. Friendship should not depend on the age, social status or status of the other person. Because if, when choosing a friend, you are guided by what I have listed above, then you are hardly looking for friendship for yourself. Most likely, you only think about how this acquaintance can be useful to you.

 This approach is fundamentally wrong, and I advise you to reconsider your values ​​in life and realize that friendship and a friend is a value that cannot be bought with money, but it is something that is worth cherishing and appreciating.

Category: 9 grade | Added by: 20.12.2020
Views: 237 | Rating: 0.0/0

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