History, what is it? History - science-studied the past and the science of studying the past. All history is stored and passed on from generation to generation. All peoples, overcame many difficulties to achieve development, both spiritual and economic have tried to capture and convey all the historical events of past years to new generations. In a world of so many historical monuments, such as: parks, fortresses, churches, castles, factories, palaces, architectural works of art and the estate. The historical memory of the peoples and culture are objects and places associated with various historical events.
To various artistic, scientific and cultural centers and values are historical events associated with the development of state and society. Do not forget the archaeological sites that keep the historical memory of peoples. Archaeological sites such as, images on rocks, the remains of burials, sculptures, things that remained from the ancient settlers and more all they have a historic memory of us, to a new generation. Archaeological relics and findings are stored in museums.
Huge pantry historical knowledge library. The library is a cultural and educational institution, which collected a lot of different literature. There are libraries to store printed and handwritten books, a variety of materials that are important for humans and human history.
To preserve the memory of our Russian ancestors and to contribute to the story you need to write everything down and save. It is necessary to preserve items of value and history. These items tell about the development of the state and society, of spiritual creativity in different time intervals. Historical monuments carry a message to the people about their cultural values. All of humanity must preserve and pass on historical memory, because it carries knowledge about battles, important events, the life and work of political figures, and prominent poets from different eras.