Essay for 8th grade on the topic " Why you need to read books»
In today's era of the Internet and mass media, people have completely stopped reading books. Indeed, but why? After all, any information can be easily found on the vast global network. In addition, on the radio, from TV screens, we also learn a lot of "interesting"things. Yes, reading seems to be becoming out of fashion. And today's young people are enthusiastically mired in phones and social networks, where they find idols and heroes to emulate.
As for me, I am truly sorry that the society has lost interest in books. But the book is a separate, diverse and fascinating world. Moreover, it opens up completely differently to each person. I still have the urge to read, and I try to devote every spare moment to it. When I read a book, I rest, I am transported to another reality. I like to imagine what I read, to experience the characters and to think about any actions that they are forced to do. I am particularly excited by the feeling that there is a denouement ahead, that I am about to learn a secret that has been hidden literally from the first pages.
The book is an adviser, an assistant, a wonderful way to spend time with the benefit of the mind and imagination. A child who reads books as a child replenishes the vocabulary, trains visual memory, and contributes to subsequent literacy. When reading, our eyes "photograph" the correct spelling of words, and our memory systematically stores this information in order to extract the necessary expression or word at the right moment. People who read a lot have well-delivered speech, where there are no cutting words-parasites.
I would like people to "read" it again! After all, there is nothing to talk about with someone who has never seen a single work. They are limited and boring people. Think about it and don't join the ranks of such individuals. Teach your child to read a book from an early age, read fairy tales and stories at night, discuss and Express your opinion about what you have read. Give children the opportunity to dream, show them a new, colorful and interesting world that the book will give them.