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School composition

Lost Time Is Never Found Again – Benjamin Franklin
Benjamin Franklin once said: Lost Time Is Never Found Again. This quote got me thinking about my unhealthy habits, unrealized goals, amount of time I spend on silly and useless things that do no help me become the best version of myself at all. We tend to put off everything for later hoping that we have the whole life to experience what we have always dreamt about. It is absolutely not right. Successful people and the happiest ones live right here and right now because they fully understand the importance of time management and they use most of their time to get them where they want to be.

How many of you spend a lot of time watching the latest episodes of your favorite show or looking at celebrities profiles on social media? Then going to bed feeling that nothing has changed and days have become a routine. Living like that can lead you to negative thoughts about your life and yourself. But what would happen if you instead of wasting your priceless time on things that don't matter did at last one thing towards your biggest dream? Your dreams would come true.

There was a boy in my class who would never do his homework. He found school subjects very boring and spent all his time walking with friends forgetting about all tasks and things that need to be done. When it was the time for final exams he was unperturbed and relaxed finding it easy to pass. The boy would say: Passing those exams will be a piece of cake. And you know what? He failed. The wasted time cannot be returned, so he had to spend all his summer on studying things he should have studied for years.

In the conclusion of my talk, I would like to say that it is never late to start. Remember how much you liked dreaming about different things and opportunities when you were a little child, so why not to try to make those dreams come true? Find this ambitious and inspired person in yourself. Don’t continue to shove your goals aside or put them on the back burner. Appreciate your time only so you can live your life to the fullest!

Category: No grade | Added by: 26.07.2018
Views: 2441 | Rating: 0.0/0

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